Cache Queens

Community for women traders & investors

Join us!

Our Mission

Our mission is to connect women who are interested in investing and trading.

Every woman is different and has a different investment style.

We help women discover theirs by teaching investment tools, discussing the markets and building confidence in their investment skills.

Investing and trading are often shown in a masculine light, and we believe in breaking those stereotypes and welcoming women into the space - because you also belong there!

Women supporting women.

Our Proposition

Investor Profile

Discover the your personal investment profile based on your time, needs, expectations and risk profile

Investment Skills

Learn about the functioning of the markets, stock exchanges, market products, fundamental analysis, technical analysis and investment strategies.

Markets & Portfolios

Discuss what is in the news, market sentiment, market trends, predictions and expectations. Moreover, discuss your own personal portfolio.

Personal Coaching

Get personal advice on any investment issues you may be facing. Let's get investing!


Investment Workshop @Equals

Workshop covering investment basics

1st Investment Skills Meeting

Let's dive in into the different investment products.

1st Markets Meeting

Let's dive in into macroanalysis, what the markets are doing and our portfolios.

2nd Investment Skills Meeting

Let's dive in into the basics of fundamental analysis.


Dont be shy. Drop us a line!



+31 (0)6 8318 7889

1073 BC Amsterdam

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